Garbage, Recycling and Composting

This page serves as a quick guide for dealing with garbage, recycling and composting at Moberly Apartments. Following these tips will help reduce odor and the presence of flies and other pests. Likewise, it will ensure that the actions of the Moberly Apartments staff and the staff of the collection companies will not be hindered. Most importantly, following this guide reduces the amount of recycling and compost material that gets rejected and sent to the landfill due to contamination.


  • Garbage chutes are located on each floor
  • All garbage must be bagged & tied
  • Do not throw items in the garbage that can be recycled or composted


  • Recycling and composting bins are located in the parking lot near the entry/ exit gate
  • Empty and rinse items before recycling
  • Do not over fill bins
  • Do not put plastic grocery bags in the bins
  • Sort items and make sure items are placed into the correct bin
  • Do not leave items on the ground if the recycling bins are full
  • Glass now has its own bin
  • Broken glass is not recyclable

Find more information on recycling and the locations of recycle depots:


  • Break down and flatten cardboard boxes
  • All cardboard must go inside the bin
  • Do not stack cardboard on top of the bin or on the side

Composting/ Organics

  • Use the provided organics container to store and transport organic waste
  • Only use compostable bags
  • Do not put plastic grocery bags in the organics bins
  • Compostable bags are found in the wall dispensers near the composting bins in the parking lot

Collection Schedule

Recycling bins are at their fullest after weekends and holidays. If the bins are full, please take your recycling back to your apartment. As mentioned before, do not leave items on the ground outside of the bins. Consider the following collection schedule to avoid full bins when taking out your recycling:

  • Garbage: Monday & Thursday
  • Recycling: Tuesday
  • Cardboards & Organics/ Compost: Thursday

Thank you for taking the time to recycle and compost. Contact the office if you have any questions or issues regarding the garbage, recycling, and composting.

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