New Residents / Moving In

This page provides a summary of information for new residents moving into Moberly Apartments. It is also a reference for current tenants. You can find more detailed information in the Moberly Apartments New Tenant Move In Package and the Residential Tenancy Agreement. You received these documents when moving in.


Rent is due on the first day of each month, even if the first day of the month is a weekend or holiday. We accept early payment.

Rent is only payable through pre-authorized payment (PAP) or by cheque. Place cheques in the manager’s mailbox or drop off at the management office. 

  • Late Rent Service Charge $25.00
  • NSF Service Charge $30.00
  • Non-payment of rent will result in the issuance of a 10 Day Notice to End Residential Tenancy


The only utility included with your rent is water. You must contact the following providers to set up other services.

  • Power/ Electricity
  • Internet and/ or Cable
    • Telus: 604-310-2255 / 1-888-811-2323
    • Others: Shaw, Primus, etc.


Security Code:
security code
Please enter the security code:



Contact management to connect your cell phone or home phone to the intercom. To open the front door for guests and deliveries Press 6 on your phone for residents of 619, 651 & 655 Moberly Rd. Press 9 for residents at 627 Moberly Rd.


  • Ensure the gate closes behind you when entering and exiting the garage.
  • Do not leave items visible in your car.
  • Do not store items in your parking space.
  • All vehicles must be registered and insured.
  • Vehicle maintenance and repairs are not allowed within the parking lot.
  • There is no guest parking available.
  • Be considerate of how close you park to neighboring vehicles.


You can store your bike(s) in the bike rooms or inside your apartment.

Bike Room

  • Register your bicycle with the office.
  • Obtain a bike room key from the office.
  • One bike per assigned space.

Inside Your Apartment

  • Use the elevator to transport your bike up/ down.
  • Do not bring your bikes into the stairwells.
  • No bikes are to be locked or stored in any common area of the building.
  • Do not lock your bike to the walkway railings outside your apartment.
  • Do not store your bike in your parking space.


Moberly Apartments has a NO PETS policy. This applies to all tenants and visitors.


Moberly Apartments maintains a smoke free policy, as specified in the Tenancy Agreement.

Smoking is not permitted inside your rental unit, on your balcony or patio, or anywhere else on the property. Additionally, provincial and city bylaws regulate that you must be 6-meters (20 feet) from any doorways, open windows and air intakes if you are smoking in public. Likewise, smoking is prohibited in city parks and on the seawall.

The no-smoking policy includes any tobacco, marijuana, or other combustible material, including, but not limited to, the use of vaporizers and e-smoking devices.


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