If you do not receive a confirmation email, we will still have received you booking request. Check your spam/ junk mail folder or contact us at 604-872-7777 if you would like to confirm your booking.
Upon Arrival for Your Viewing
- If you are feeling sick or unwell, cancel or reschedule your appointment.
- Go to the building address listed for the apartment you are viewing.
- When you arrive at the building, please call 604-872-7777 or dial 2037 at the building directory.
During Your Viewing
- Take off your shoes before entering the suite.
- We ask that you do not touch anything within the suite.
- If there is something specific you would like to see, please ask us.
Change of Plans
If your schedule changes, please let us know so we can reschedule your viewing or cancel it if needed. There are also links to cancel or reschedule your appointment in the confirmation email sent to you at the time of booking.
There is no guarantee that the suite will still be available by the time of your scheduled viewing. You will receive a cancellation email if the apartment has been rented before your scheduled viewing.